The Sumatran Tiger is found on the Indonesian island of Sumatra in habitat ranging from mountainous forests to lowland forests. The Sumatran Tiger is one of eight subspecies of tiger, and it is believed that these animals became isolated to Sumatra when rising sea levels smothered the land, causing the formation of islands in the region.
Sumatran Tigers are the smallest of all tigers, and their size assists them in navigating the dense, tropical forests in which they hunt. Being solitary animals, they are highly adapted to ambush hunting, using their stripes as camouflage against the dappled light of the forest floor. Sumatran Tigers will lie in wait to pray upon wild boar, birds, tapir, fish and deer.
Illegal hunting of tigers for use in traditional medicines, and loss of their rainforest habitat is continuing to threaten the remaining wild populations.
In 2007, the Indonesian Forestry Ministry and Safari Park established cooperation with the Australia Zoo for the conservation of Sumatran Tigers and other endangered species. The cooperation agreement was marked by the signing of a Letter of Intent on 'Sumatran Tiger and other Endangered Species Conservation Program and the Establishment of a Sister Zoo Relationship between Taman Safari and Australia Zoo' at the Indonesian Forestry Ministry office on July 31, 2007. The program includes conserving Sumatran Tigers and other endangered species in the wild, efforts to reduce conflicts between tigers and humans and rehabilitating Sumatran Tigers and reintroducing them to their natural habitat.
Attraction for tigers (Melbourne Zoo)
Open daily 9am - 5pm every day of the year.
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